Our Ministries
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The Social Justice Ministry creates systemic change within the greater Lewisville community in areas of education, policing, racial equity, voting, to educate the members of Westside, and to engage them to participate in the civic process (Romans 9:14).
Bro. Renardo Lewis
Servant Leader
The Marriage Ministry shall provide service to couples as God has ordained marriage. The Marriage Ministry will provide spiritual and practical tools to overcome the strains of the daily life of married or engaged couples. Through this ministry, couples will learn to work together as a team, building legacies.(Mark 10:9)
Ministers Eric & Demetrice Patton
Marriage Ministry Servant Leaders
The Empowering People In Christ (E. P. I. C.) Ministry establishes a community of believers living out the love of Christ in their daily interactions, impacting the hearts of young adults. I John 4:7
Bro. Thomas & Sis. Amy Key
E. P. I. C. Servant Leaders
The objective of the Singles Ministry (F.O.C.U.S.) is to teach singles how to grow spiritually through biblical principles, strengthening relationships and striving to live a purposeful life for Christ in church, in community and in culture sharing the Gospel, using our abilities to uplift and glorify Jesus and God’s Kingdom.
Sis. Rebekah Williamson & Sis. Kat Williams
Singles Ministry Co-Servant Leaders
The Prayer Ministry aims to teach and lead the church in individual and corporate prayer. We will humbly come before God with a repentant heart seeking His will. We submit to Jesus Christ as the Head of the church and will strive to obey His command that His church will be a House of Prayer.
Rev. Lynn Pegues
Prayer Servant Leader
The Greeters Ministry ensures that everyone is greeted with a spirit-filled smile and sees and feels the love of Jesus Christ. We touch every heart with unconditional love. (Romans 15:7)
Sis. Carol Mebane.
Greeters Servant Leader
The New Members (Timothy) Ministry serves to help assimilate new members into the body of believers who comprise the Westside Church Family and channel them into the appropriate discipleship avenues.
Servant Leader Timothy Ministry
Email: TBA
The Engagement Pastor is called to serve the church by helping member find their path from guest to active member. He is called to equip, educate, and help members find there place in ministry for the church.
Engagement Ministry Servant Leader
The aim and iterative mission of WBC Women’s ministry will be to serve the holistic woman by encouraging them to open and study their Bibles, apply God’s truth to their daily lives, and commit to prayer and good character, whose lifestyles identify them as daughters of God.(Titus 2:3-5 NLT)
Sis. Tasha White
Women’s Ministry Servant Leader
Growing Godly men that glorify our Heavenly Father by the lives they live. Being transformed into the image of His son Jesus the Christ through prayer, studying the Word of God, evangelism and Christian fellowship. To build men to have a Godly impact in their homes, in the church, our community and the world. To engage, instruct, challenge, and live victoriously by God’s Grace through Christ Jesus by sound bible teaching, prayer for one another and good Christian fellowship.
Min. David Harbor
Men’s Ministry Servant Leader
The Bridge Ministry is a resource for college-aged adults transitioning from Youth Ministry to Young Adult Ministry. (Joshua 1:9)
Bridge (Boys) Servant Leader
The Congregational Care Ministry Team (CCTM) role is to respond to the care and support needs of WBC congregation. This Ministry Team will engage in the ongoing spiritual, physical, emotional and relational expression of living faithfully within the Body of Christ. (John 13:34)
Bro. Lonnie Tipton
Congregational Care Servant Leader
Toastmasters provide a mutually supportive and positive learning experience through the word of Jesus Christ. Members are empowered to develop Godly and positive communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth (Proverbs 16:23).
Branon Gilbert
Toastmasters Servant Leader
The thriving Christian Entrepreneurs’ networking community encourages business owners to support one another by collaborating, educating, and sharing resources. (Colossians 3:17)
Sis. Earlie Thomas
CEO Servant Leader
We show God’s love through service and provide spiritual support to active duty members, fellow veterans, and their families. In the Veterans Ministry we aim to build stronger Christian relationships among veterans and surrounding communities by partnering with other WBC ministries for in-reach and outreach opportunities. (Joshua 1:9)
Deacon Jimmie Prince
Veterans Ministry Servant Leader
Community Outreach Ministry is commissioned to love and serve the community by partnering and collaborating with agencies and community organizations that offer services to help change lives. (Luke 14:23, Matthew 25:35-36)
Bro. Derrick McKee
Interim Servant Leader
The Transportation Ministry supply reliable and safe transportation to and from worship services and other church-related functions as necessary. (Psalm 122:1)
Bro. Derrick Montgomery
Transportation Servant Leader
The Children and Youth Ministries help grow kids under the “Pebbles To Living Stones” growth model which is designed to ensure the spiritual growth path of students. It is my desire to see the youth and children grow from an infant to college in an atmosphere that convict spiritual awareness of the need for God in their lives and the only way is through Christ Jesus.
Sis. Whitney Milson
Children’s Ministry Director
Counseling Services provide a wide variety of counseling services to members and non-members of all ages, including, but not limited to, pre-marital/marriage, depression, stress, anxiety, self-esteem, anger, relationships, grief, and much more by Licensed Professional Counselors/Interns and Licensed Social Workers. (Proverbs 11:14)
Sis. Cynthia Jones
Counseling Servant Leader
The Career Ministry provides resources to develop transferable skills for job placement, advancement, and transition. The ministry will also assist in fine-tuning gifts to maintain employment. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Sis. Jackie Massey
Career Servant Leader
The O.W.L. Ministry is for anyone 55+ years old and wants to be blessed and bless others through ministry activities. We aim to promote spiritual, physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth through various activities that challenge and stimulate exploring areas that will enhance healthy relationships and vital lifestyles that glorify God. (Titus 2:1-5)
Sis. LaQuitha Mohair
O.W.L.S. Ministry Servant Leader
Westside Healthcare Organization (W.H.O.) promotes physical, mental, and oral health education. (Matthew 25:40)
Sis. Herbevelynne (Herbie) Norris
W.H.O. Servant Leader
The Athletics ministry provides leisure and competitive activities in a Christian environment.(Galatians 5:22-23).
Deacon Mike Sideberry
Athletics Servant Leader
We instruct gifted dancers with a heart for God to minister His word through movement. By focusing on technical training and consistent spiritual grooming, dancers will be molded into vessels fit to effectively minister the heart of God through dance. (1 Corinthians 6:19 -20)
Sis. Debra Price
Dance Servant Leader
The Worship and Creative Arts ministry supports Westside’s mission, vision, and values. It establishes an atmosphere conducive to transforming worshippers through worship and the arts that educate, edify, evangelize, encourage, engage, and promote personal and corporate worship worldwide. (John 4:23-24)
Dr. Patrick Bradley
Worship & Creative Arts Servant Leader
The purpose of the Westside Baptist Church Usher Ministry is to serve by directing the flow of traffic, seating the congregation, and collecting the offering alongside the Pastor and Deacons. (Psalm 84:10)
Sis. Sandra Richards
Servant Leader
The Bridge Ministry is a resource for college-aged adults transitioning from Youth Ministry to Young Adult Ministry. (Joshua 1:9)
Sis. Wilma Yancy
Bridge (Women) Servant Leader
As Ambassadors of Christ, the Evangelism & Outreach Ministry prayerfully seek God’s opportunities to share, ignite and cultivate a world spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and seeing God change lives. (Romans 5:8)
Min. Mae Barree
Evangelism / Outreach Servant Leader
The Children and Youth Ministries help grow kids under the “Pebbles To Living Stones” growth model which is designed to ensure the spiritual growth path of students. It is my desire to see the youth and children grow from an infant to college in an atmosphere that convict spiritual awareness of the need for God in their lives and the only way is through Christ Jesus.
Pastor Jai McIver
Youth Servant Leader
In case of an emergency, the Emergency Preparedness Ministry implements the proper protocols to ensure the safety of everyone on our grounds and in our facility.
Sis. Jackie Massey
EPT (Emergency Preparedness Team) Servant Leader
The Westside Baptist Church-sponsored Girl Scouts Ministry serves girls from kindergarten to 12th grade. It adapts the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. We’re 2.5 million strong – more than 1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults who believe in the power of every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader) to change the world. (Proverbs 31:20)
Sis. Kimberly Alexander
Girl Scouts Servant Leader
The Westside Initiatives for Stewardship Empowerment (W.I.S.E) Ministry enable all stewards to gain Godly wisdom and change their lifestyle to better align with God’s plan for using His gifts of time, talent, and treasure. (Matthew 6:19-21)
Dea. John Thompson,
Stewardship (WISE) Servant Leader
The mission for the MarCom Ministry is to help share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, create awareness of the ministry, accurately depict the Westside experience, and manage perceptions for our target audience. (Romans 10:14-15 NKJV)
Rev. Jude Gilbert
MarCom Servant Leader
The Westside Baptist sponsored Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts ministry shall commit to the aforementioned commission of the Westside Youth and Children’s ministry. In addition, we adapt to the Boy Scouts of America mission to serve others by helping to instill values in young people and in other ways prepare them to make ethical choices over their lifetime towards achieving their full potential.
To be a light and inspiration working alongside our husbands (Deacons) as helpmeets. Deacon Wives support the church, ministries, and the community through humility, compassion, service, and prayer, fostering unity among the sisters. (1 Peter 4:10-11)
Sis. Pam Wilcox
Deacon Wives Servant Leader
To enhance the worship service and the spreading of the Gospel worldwide by using audio, video, lighting and broadcast technologies.
Dea. Ron Fisher
Audio/Visual Servant Leader
Rev. Jude Gilbert
Social Media Servant Leader