The New Members (Timothy Ministry) serves to help assimilate new members into the body of believers who comprise the Westside Church Family and channel them into the appropriate discipleship avenues.

Westside is a growing, diverse, and exciting church that is committed to reflecting its community. We are a friendly and genuine family, who like you, have struggles and successes. So, no matter your church background, there is a place for you at Westside.
Pastor Dr. Delvin & First Lady Dr. Brenda Atchison
Pastor Dr. Delvin & First Lady Dr. Brenda Atchison
New Members Orientation
Meets Sundays @ 8:30 AM CT
Week 1: Know God
- Mission & Vision Statements
- Foundational Beliefs
- Facility Tour
Week 2: Know You
- Personal Survey
- Spiritual Gift Assessment
- Fellowship One On-Boarding
- Member Photo
Week 3: Know Us
- History of Westside
- Church Leadership & Structure
- Ministries & Mission Opportunities
- Meet Church Leadership
Week 4: Join Us
- Mission/Vision Statements Recap
- Meet the Ministries and Ministry Leads
- Ministry Sign-Up
We have many options and opportunities for you to connect and get involved after you become a member at Westside. To begin your journey, each new member will enroll in our New Members Orientation and be connected to your Family Deacon Cell. Your Family Deacon and his wife are responsible for making sure that you are properly integrated into your Westside family.
New Believers

We rejoice with the angels in heaven for your interest or decision to receive Christ. We want to talk with you about what that means and prepare you for baptism.

Do you have questions about salvation? Have you accepted Christ and desire to be baptized?
- Adults: Register for our Adult Baptism class
- Children and Youth: Make an appointment with Pastor Jai McIver via email (jmciver@wbcchurch.org) or phone (972-221-5668).