Message from Senior Pastor Dr. Atchison about the Coronavirus
Hello Westside! This is Pastor Delvin Atchison. I am excited about the opportunity to share with you some updates as we face some challenges.
Let me be clear … people are saying the church is close. The church is NOT closed. The building has restricted access, but our church is open because our church is YOU! We have an opportunity since the world can’t come into the church, to take the church into the world. We have a staff that is professional, proficient and prayerful and we are coming up with creative opportunities to witness. Let me encourage you in this time of challenge and angst that we are going to be prepared so we won’t panic.
I want to thank those who continue to mail your tithes and bring your contributions by the church. The church will be accessible 9am – 2pm on weekdays and 10am – 4pm on Sundays. Again, this Sunday, March 22, we will stream services at 9:45am, so there will be limited access to the building, but the church will be open.
Let me encourage the leaders of ministry to be restrictive in the way you use your resources. As of now, our finances are limited, so we want to be prudent stewards. I also want to encourage the leaders of ministry, Sunday School teachers and Servant Leaders to find creative ways to interact and stay in contact with your people – we are a church. God knew this was going to happen and He has prepared us for it.
Let me share with you these words that are found in Romans 8:38-39, “And I am convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow. Not even the the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above, or in the earth below, indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Because God knew, God has prepared us to handle this situation. I look forward to seeing you online streaming this Sunday at 9:45am. Be blessed. I love you Westside.
>>> Worship online with Westside on Sunday, March 22nd @ 9:45am
>>> Give online available 24/7 as your schedule allows by texting WBCCHURCH to 77977