Discipleship Training Classes
2025 Spring Discipleship Training Classes (DTC)
Wednesdays @ 7PM from February 19th – April 9th
Register for class at https://bit.ly/Register4DTC
The four classes are below. All are welcome!
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Financial Fitness (Bro. Chester Anderson and Deacon John Thompson)
Financial Fitness: The Objective is to teaching people the value of money, how to save, invest and spend, and how to be a good steward of it.
Author: Howard Dayton Your Money Counts
ORDER THE BOOK => https://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?event=AFF&p=1231331&item_no=359496
Grasping God’s Word (Dr. Michelangelo Clark)
Grasping God’s Word is an in-depth study to guide the believer in rightly dividing the word of truth. It is designed to provide insight into the Bible’s varying literary, historical, sociopolitical, cultural, religious and doctrinal contexts. Come join Rev. Dr. Michelangelo Clark as we grasp God’s Word together!
Experiencing God (Dr. Brenda Atchison)
God has offered you a standing invitation to an intimate love relationship with Him — a relationship that will enable you to:
- Hear when God is speaking to you,
- Find out where God is working and join Him,
- Discover that God pursues a love relationship with you that is real and personal,
- Face crises of belief as you join God where He’s working, and
- Experience God doing through you what only God can do.
Book Study of the Gospel of Mark (Rev. Ray Malone)
The Gospel of Mark is an action-packed story of the ministry of Jesus. This Gospel covers the three-and-one-half years of Jesus’ public ministry and reveals him as both a miracle worker and a supernatural servant. He is constantly on the move preaching, teaching, healing, and preparing his disciples to carry the gospel forward following his death and resurrection. Mark focuses on Jesus’ actions rather than his words. He records eighteen of Jesus’ miracles while only mentioning four of his parables. These miracles revealed Jesus, divine identity and his supernatural power.