About Us
Our Mission

The mission of Westside Baptist Church is to serve God by Sharing Christ and Loving People.
Our Vision

Our vision is to have every member of Westside Baptist Church engaged in a ministry that fully utilizes their God given gifts. Ephesians 4:11-16
Our Beliefs
The Living God
We believe there is only one true and living God. He is immutable, indefatigable and infinite. He is not only a reality; He is the Ultimate Reality, an intelligent Spirit, and the Creator of all. He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Is Savior
We believe Jesus is Savior, Lord Christ, and the incarnate reality of God. He was the walking revelation of God’s love to humanity; He embodied grace; He died on the cross for the redemption of God’s creation; He got up on Easter morning to confirm to the world that God is still in control of Heaven and Earth.
The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit is Christ in present tense empowering the believer, energizing the church and encouraging Christians that God is still with us; He convicts us of sin; He points us to truth; He leads us into righteousness.
The Church
We believe in the church; the church is the prolonged incarnation of Jesus Christ; His body, bride and building witnessing to the world through word and sacrament; the church is a fellowship of regenerated men and women called out to live together in community life.
The Scripture
We believe that the scripture is God’s word; It is his written authority for the Church; the scripture was given to ordinary men through inspiration; the scripture is inerrant in principle and infallible in content.
We believe man was created in the image of God; God breathed his life into man; man voluntarily rebelled against God and fell from a state of perfection, thereby experiencing separation from God; consequently, all men are sinners. By choice, man is redeemable through Jesus Christ in his only hope to experience once again the peace of God.
We believe in God’s saving grace; that the blessings of salvation are free to all through the Gospel; that the requisite of acceptance is a thankful, penitent and obedient faith; that nothing interferes with the salvation of the sinner except his refusal of the Gospel; man’s disbelief is his condemnation.
Our History
Westside Baptist Church began as a vision in 1983, to Pastor Ben Smith of Lakeland Baptist Church for a predominately African American church in Lewisville, TX.
As Pastor, Rev. Roosevelt Brown led 50 members in Westside's first worship service on March 8, 1984, in the Gulf Car Wash in Lewisville, Texas. The congregation grew through evangelistic efforts. Church officers, ministries, and programs were put into place, organizing the newly formed church.
Pastor Brown relocated to California in 1989, and Rev. Kenneth Blake, a faithful bible teacher became pastor and eventually Westside's bi-vocational pastor in that same year. The congregation outgrew the Gulf Car Wash and, in 1991, moved into its newly built worship center at 802 Bellaire Blvd., Lewisville, Texas.
Westside expanded the 802 campus with an educational wing and Family Life Center to meet Westside's growing needs.
Ruby Derrough faithfully served as leader of Koinonia Kids, Westside’s first children’s church ministry. Beginning 1993 through 2000, she recruited and trained volunteers who ministered to nearly 100 children ages 4 years old through 7th grade. She successfully advocated for an outdoor play area, safety measures like background checks for volunteers, and evangelism training for all volunteers who served in children’s ministry.
In 2002, Westside broke ground on our current worship center at 900 Bellaire Blvd. and moved in December 2004. After 25 years of service, Pastor Blake’s assignment at Westside Baptist Church ended.
In January 2009, the Senior Ministry officially launched for WBC members 55 and older after its inception in the Spring of 2008 with Gloria Massey and Vera Martin. Sis. Massey proposed the name change to OWL (Older Wiser Leaders) with members Al and Mamie Duncan, Bobbie Jones, Emelda McElhannon, Janet Collins, Helen Harper, David Beatty, Vera Martin, Howard and Claudester McCoo. Charter Member Servant Leaders are as follows: Minister Coby Mensah (First Servant Leader, January 2009 - March 2009), Gloria Massey (Servant Leader, May 2009 - 2013), Al Duncan (Assistant Servant Leader), Janet Collins (Group Leader, Newsletter, and Brochure Publisher), Helen Harper (Treasurer & Group Leader), Ethel Harris (Secretary & Group Leader), Barbara Jackson (Extended Hands), Elmelda McElhannon (Hospitality), Polly Wilkerson (Moment of Laughter), and Oscar Bickham (Prayer Leader).
Rev. Taft Sales served as Interim Pastor of Westside from 2013 until 2015. After that, Rev. Thomas Bessix was elected Senior Pastor. Pastor Bessix made efforts to increase Westside's involvement in the community. Together with Minister Melanie Westbrook-Johnson, he partnered with the Texas Food Bank to provide food to the congregation and community members who were struggling with food insecurity. Additionally, Pastor Bessix restructured and established new ministries to address the changing needs of the congregation and the community. Following these changes, Min. Westbrook took on the role of servant leader of the Evangelism Ministry, and Deacon Louis Mabin became the servant leader of Community Outreach, which included the food pantry.
In 2018, Dr. Delvin Atchison, the Director of Texas Baptist's Great Commission, became Interim Pastor, and in 2019 he was elected Senior Pastor.
In 2020, the global pandemic, Covid-19 expanded Westside’s digital age presence and has become a game changer as we are broadening our digital footprint and social media presence. “Imagine More" is Westside's invitation to see our possibilities from God's perspective. Through Imagine More we are creating safe spaces for our congregation and community.
Launched Westside Magazine - a monthly magazine featuring encouraging articles and pictures of past events and notices of future events / Launched “The Brief": A weekly announcement of meetings, deadlines, and events happening for a seven-day time frame / Hosted Ricky Dillard and New G / Hosted first Funday Sunday celebrating unity and appreciation for WBC volunteers.
Rev. Rosalind Spencer retired as Children’s Pastor after 20 years of service / Min. Jai McIver was chosen as youth and children’s pastor and then made Generations Pastor / Sis. Whitney Milson was hired as Children’s Activity Director / Rev. Carlos Francis as hired as a consultant/Engagement Pastor, Christian Discipleship Teaching Coordinator / Rev. Lee Williams was hired as a Consultant/Connections Pastor and co-developer of Westside Worldwide.
Planning for the designated children and youth spaces, and a multi-purpose gymnasium were presented by the Imagine More Committee in information sessions to the congregation; designs were rendered by Peter Brown / Each family was asked to commit $5,000 over three years above their tithe and offerings to the Imagine More capital campaign / Rev. Henry Marshall stepped down as Director of Christian Education and replaced by Rev. Carlos Francis / Sis. Gail Prince was named servant leader of Sunday Morning Bible Study (formerly Kingdom Connection)/Fortieth plans began for Westside’s 40th anniversary.
In 2024, Westside celebrated its 40th anniversary with a year-long event that welcomed former employees, pastors, workers, and friends to participate in various activities. We were honored to have Pastors Larry Willis, Joe Fields, Chris Repass, and Louis Rosenthal and their congregations share the Word of God with us. Present and former choir members joined to form a reunion choir that ministered during the church anniversary service.
We gathered on Wednesdays to enjoy meals together throughout the month, reminiscing about the "good old days" and discussing how the Lord works in our lives. Deacon Mark Wilcox led the "Forty-for-Forty" recognition initiative, which allowed congregation members to honor both current and former members for their spiritual impact.
Rev. Carlos Francis, resigned the consultant position of Engagement Pastor of Westside Baptist Church - Lewisville, TX.
- Bro. Sylvester Williams was appointed Sunday School/Education Servant Leader
- Deacon Reggie Johnson became Chairman of Imagine More after Dr. Yetta Toliver
- Drs. Thomas and Amy Key were appointed EPIC (Young Adults) Servant Leaders
- Bro. Renardo Lewis was appointed Social Justice Servant Leader
Join us this Sunday
Our community makes us unique. They have an energy that reverberates around them. Their mission in life is to ensure the wonder in the world is not overlooked.