Get Involved


    Step 1

    Complete the form below to process your request for the MarCom Ministry. NOTE: Before completing the form below, make sure you add the event to church calendar in Fellowship One and request any payment and registration link(s) first.

    1. Name

    2. Contact Phone Number

    3. Email

    4. Ministry Hosting Event


      Warning: If you answer "CHANGE" you will skip to Step 4. However, if this is a NEW REQUEST, your request will be returned.

    1. Is this a NEW REQUEST or CHANGE REQUEST for a previously submitted event?

      1. Update to Existing Event 300

    Step 2

    1. Name of Event

    2. Event Description 300

    3. Theme Info
    4. Is there a Theme?

    5. Theme Title:

    6. Theme Scripture:

    7. Type of Event
    8. Fellowship/Worship ServicesWorkshopConcertConferenceOutreachOther type of event

    9. Links for your event

      Request Registration and Payment Links BEFORE submitting the form.

    10. Payment Link

    11. Registration Link

    12. Event Type
    13. Event is (choose one): In-Person and OnlineVirtual Only

    Step 3

    Event Date & Time
    1. Month (MM)

      Day (DD)

      Year (YYYY)

    2. Hour (HH)

      Minute (MM)

    3. Exact Location of the Event Westside Virtual EventAssembly HallLobbySanctuaryParking Lot/AwningPrayer RoomChoir RoomOther Location

    4. Photography Needs
    5. Do you need photography?

    6. Cost for photographer is FREE for regular worship. Cost for non-Sunday or after regular worship is $200 per event. THE ADDITIONAL COST WILL BE CHARGED AGAINST YOUR BUDGET.

    7. Are there Guest Speakers & Artists?

    8. Add Guest Speaker Details
    9. Guest Speakers & Artist 200

      1. Add guest speaker attachments: graphic, flyer, biography, Guest photo, etc. (File types: .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png, .ppt, .psd, .pdf, .docx)

    Final Step


    All marketing requests will have a digital postcard created and added to the newsletter, social media, announcements, and website. They REQUIRE NO ADDITIONAL COST.

    1. Designer notes 200

    2. Attachments
      1. For any documents created for the event, please attach the original file(s) for MarCom approval BEFORE distribution. Some examples that can be attached: graphic, flyer, etc. (File types: .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png, .ppt, .psd, .pdf, .docx)

    3. Do you want this boosted on social media? NOTE: THE ADDITIONAL COST WILL BE CHARGED AGAINST YOUR BUDGET.

    4. Choose your cost in dollars.

      1. Facebook: $

      2. Instagram: $

      3. Threads: $

    5. Voice Over Verbiage 300

    6. Do you want this marketed to additional channels?

    7. Please choose the additional channels you want MarCom to market your event. Depending on your choice(s), additional fees may be required. Contact the MarCom Team for current pricing. Banners INSIDE of churchBanners OUTSIDE of churchBrochuresBulletinBusiness cardsChamber of Commerce WebsiteDoor hangersEmail blast internal (Weekly)Event programsFlyers (8.5x11)Postcards - Printed (5x7)Posters - All sizesPublic Service Announcement (PSA)

    8. ACCEPTANCE BOX: Please read & accept by checking the box below.

    Our Mission


    Our Vision

    Our vision is to have every member of Westside Baptist Church engaged in a ministry that fully utilizes their God given gifts. Ephesians 4:11-16

    Our  Beliefs

    We believe there is only one true and living God. He is immutable, indefatigable and infinite. He is not only a reality; He is the Ultimate Reality, an intelligent Spirit, and the Creator of all. He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

    We believe Jesus is Savior, Lord Christ, and the incarnate reality of God. He was the walking revelation of God’s love to humanity; He embodied grace; He died on the cross for the redemption of God’s creation; He got up on Easter morning to confirm to the world that God is still in control of Heaven and Earth.

    We believe in the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit is Christ in present tense empowering the believer, energizing the church and encouraging Christians that God is still with us; He convicts us of sin; He points us to truth; He leads us into righteousness.

    We believe in the church; the church is the prolonged incarnation of Jesus Christ; His body, bride and building witnessing to the world through word and sacrament; the church is a fellowship of regenerated men and women called out to live together in community life.

    We believe that the scripture is God’s word; It is his written authority for the Church; the scripture was given to ordinary men through inspiration; the scripture is inerrant in principle and infallible in content.

    We believe man was created in the image of God; God breathed his life into man; man voluntarily rebelled against God and fell from a state of perfection, thereby experiencing separation from God; consequently, all men are sinners. By choice, man is redeemable through Jesus Christ in his only hope to experience once again the peace of God.

    We believe in God’s saving grace; that the blessings of salvation are free to all through the Gospel; that the requisite of acceptance is a thankful, penitent and obedient faith; that nothing interferes with the salvation of the sinner except his refusal of the Gospel; man’s disbelief is his condemnation.


    “One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:35-4

    you are always welcome here!

    Join us this Sunday

    Our community makes us unique. They have an energy that reverberates around them. Their mission in life is to ensure the wonder in the world is not overlooked.

    Connect With Us

    Check out what we’ve been up to within the church and our community on our Instagram page.